Sunday 5 May 2013

Rest In Peace Gulfstream Couples

It's been a year since we've posted an actual article on this blog . At school, you are definitely gonna expect some break ups . Some break ups were happy breakups & some were sad :( some break ups lasted for a while & some are FOR G O O D !

These are the couples that broke up for good ( for now ) :
Naana & Nicholas
Angelo & Alicia
Angelo & Danielle
Mensimah & Scott
Diana & Jesse

Naana & Nick
Naana & nick were one of the cutest couples at that time . They looked really good with each other & we all knew they had a thing for each other before thy started dating . They were secretly dating at first but then they finally spoke up & told everyone . Although people knew they had a thang for each other , people were still surprised . But it all ended when naana gave nick wayyyyy too many chances & he decided to take advantage of it . He went out with another girl WHILE he was dating naana . He did it behind her back but we all know , NEWs TRAVELS FAST . So naana dumped him but they're still friends & that's a strong thing for naana to do.

P.S. Nicholas still needs to give naana her gift that he left in his "cousins car"

At first when people found out about Alicia and Angelo , people congratulated Angie because he finally moved on from Danielle . Angelo and Alicia were cute tbh. They kissed A L O T . Angelo developed a lot of feelings for her but Alicia believed that he is too pushy & all he wanted to do was kiss . Maybe there were other reasons behind this break up but I don't know those deets . The sources only told me that one reason . Well anyway , rip Angelica .

We are all familiar with this couple . They have on and off feelings for each other . It's like bipolar weather in Canada . Lool but anyway , these two broke up , got back together . Broke up, got back together . But now they are officially done ! ( I think , who knows) I don't know why they broke up though . I am a horrible writer . I'm supposed to figure out .

Ohmygoodnesssssssss ! This couple though >>>>>   I love them . They are so cute together ! They definitely fought a lot but the people who care the most about each other are like that . They fight but at the end of the day (or week) they're back in each others arms all happy & stuff . Whenever I seen them together , they would be laughing and Scott would be S O H A P P Y . Scotty never cries for another girl except for Menss & he just loved her to the fullest & I bet it was the same with Menss ! But one day , everything just changed . Everything went from happy to sad . Menss was crying , and Scotty .. He was BAWLING . I never seenscott so sad & I've known Him since grade TWO !well , everyone was disappointed that they broke up but they are still friends . It looks like they're dating still but , who knows ? :) lets hope for the best !

Diana & Jesse ;
Lol it's weird to talk about my own relationship. So much to say.. Err okay . Jesse and I started dating in 6th grade . We had an on & off relationship & at times I wanted to throw a brick at him. LOOL but we would always argue & break up & nobody really knew the inside story to our break up . Yeah , I started to like Alec so I broke up with him but there were other reasons . Well , we broke up & he kinda hated me for 2 weeks or so . Maybe he still does, i have Mickie . He didn't talk to me for 2 whole weeks but now we are Bestiees :')

Gstream Blogg is back! We've been hibernating .

Hey :) I know it's been a while since we updated this blog but we are back to update it & there are so many things to talk about . There's a lot of things that has been happening at GulfStream . We all know this school is mixup and full of drama so yeah , there are a lot of things to say .

As you all know , this year is going to be our last year here & we want it to make it the best year yet . We made a lot of memories here & without drama , school would be kind of boring !  So although drama is really annoying & it makes people stress alot, school wouldn't be fun without it .

So many things changed this year . New students , new fights , new couples , new breakups , new everything ! We'll be writing new articles to tell you about everything , so keep up with the updates :) :*