Sunday 27 May 2012

GGulfstream Award Nominees

Okay, so the end of the school year is coming up really soon. School is ending in a few weeks and the grade 8's will be graduating. Nicole & i thought about having this Gulfstream Awards thing. (Nicole's idea mostly) Nicole and I have been picking categories and nominees and here they are ;

Nominees are;
Makayla Tremble doing hurdles- She tripped/slipped when running and doing hurdles.
Eemaan Mohammad doing grade 7 girls hurdles ; Started off walking and Mr Suzuki had to chase her . She ended up walking around the hurdles until the end.
Shaajah Casanova in 100m- Walked the entire way 

Diana Tran ; Ran the first round but on the second round, ran out of lane and started to do the sprinkler.

Funniest Rumor;
Christie Pregnant with Lawshawn; someone started a rumor saying that christie has lawshawn's TWINNNS. Its not true, if you have read our article about it , you would know.
Makayla Smoking; People said they seen makayla smoking weed.. apparently a rumor 
Nadia and Sarah Azeez kissing- RUMOR. Big rumor, people said they were kissing in the gym with the lights off. French kissing but it isnt true.
Brittney And Diana Dating- People seen diana and brittney around school together and thought they were apparently dating? 

Favorite Couple;
Teegan&Thomas; Been dating for a while now. A LONG WHILE :) You could see them together at recess, talking flirting hugging and sometimes even kissing. They are both in grade 8 (:
Kevontae&Alicia; Recently started dating again. Alot of people are saying bullshit about them but at the same time, they do have supporters. Alicia is older than Kevontae by 2 years but love is love and that age difference isnt really big :)
Mensimah&Nicholas; They started dating like a few weeks ago I think? They are already kissing and hugging (: Nick got her a rose and chocolate for her birthday d'aww ! Nicholas is one year older than Menss, If you read the previous article, you would know how they started dating (;
Angelo&Alicia ; NO, not alicia that kevontae is dating. Alicia in grade 6 (: They are both Spanish and they actually like each other. No hate please (: Haha, they dont care about what others say and all they care about is each other.
Diana&Jesse; Dating for a long while now. Fought alot but still now thats done with. Joke around with each other.. dont talk relationship too serious but still loves each other ! (: same age. 
Myles&Danielle; Dating few weeks ago, already kissing, hugging bubbling and all the chizz coouples do. taking relationship to a whole new level LMAOOO, and same age still.

Biggest Fight Award:
Jamilah&Eemaan's ; Fought since they basically met each other. They fight about all kinds of chiz. They fought over a boy (myles) Fought over a friend (Diana) Fought over food... Yeah they are in a fight right now. They scream at each other, ignore each other , forgive each other and then does the whole cycle again. Their recent fight made eemaan cry.. :$
Sabbontu&Trina; Their fight started over someone taking the other person's drink.. but then it got worst . the fight happened weeks ago but they still arent friends as if this moment. They took this fight to twitter and took out their anger there. (nicki wrote an article bout that)
Tyson&Bear; In the beginning of the school year, Bear was whipping a water bottle at Tyson, So tyson chased him out of the gym at lunch time and basically punched him in the face. Everyone ran out of the lunch room to see too.

Most Talked About;
Makayla Dancing On Youtube; It all started at a dance-a-thon assembly. People were to come up to the front and show off their dance moves. Tommy in Ms Kaura's Grade 8 class went to the front and did the "Makayla dance" ever since then, people went on youtube to take a look of the Makayla video.
Alicia&Kevontae; When people found out Kevontae and Alicia were dating, chaos was all that happened at school. Everyone was screaming at Kevontae and dissing... Big Chizzz .

Most Popular;
Shaajah Casanova; Although Shaajah is only in grade 6, alot of people around school know her. she got her own crew going on (:
Trina Sincliar ; Okay, so Trina is in grade 8 and she is REALLY popular. All the teachers and students know her :)
Lucky Osuigwe; Although it is Lucky's second year at this school, almost everyone talks about him, and everyone knows him. Some girls seem to think that he is hoott too :P
Nicole Osuigwe; Nicole didnt know that I nominated her :) But i think she should be nominated because she is really popular. she is a track star just like her bro. She is known for being fun and hilarious and weird but thats just Nicki :)
Abi U; Abi's In grade 8, um her and her sister OSA are known at this school. Abi got us our first banner .. Gulfstream should be proud.
Osa U; Osa is known for being funny, outgoing, fun and you know, she is just someone you would want to know :)

Best Teacher;
Mrs Luchetta; Everyone knows and LOVES mrs luchetta. Mrs Luchetta is the kinda teacher who you could have fun with. you could tell her anything and she would understand. When she figures out about kids dating, she teases them but she doesnt tell their parents (y) GOOD THING. She doesnt get too mad and she isnt that strict, she is a fun teacher.
Ms Khan; Although I never had Ms Khan, I might get her next year :) She is really pretty and she also seems really nice.  I heard she throws some good parties and that she is a hilarious teacher, well, Im hoping im in her class next year :)

Nicest Person;
Linda Mebelli ; it is her first year at Gulfstream but still, she is a really nice person. She compliments almost everyone and she is really sweet. When people say things about her, she tries not to let it get to the best of her. When she says something mean, she really does regret it and she does feel bad.
Linda Lam; Linda is asian, Haha but also , she is really intelligent and funny and weird. But she doesnt really make fun of people or say mean things about them. Once linda hit a woman in the head with a frisbee and she cried cause she felt bad even though it  was an accident.
Ivy Chau; Okay, so Ivy is in grade 8. She is graduating but she seems pretty nice. she doesnt seem to involves into people's business and it looks like she respects everyone(:
Kiranjit; Most of you should know Kiran. She is really short for an 8th grader but she is really sweet and cute (no homo)she is nice to most of the people she meets.
OSA! ; Osa is really nice unless if you get on her grill. she is also really popular and gorgeous !(: plus she is hilarious
Stephanie Persad; Stephanie is in grade 7. She is really nice to people and she doesn't insult people or anything. She used to be really close with me, so I would know.

votes will be Monday, May 28th, 2012.
Results will be out ...whenever we decide to post it :)
okay, so if you have any other categories you can think of , contact Diana and Nicole on facebook. If you dont have facebook, text them, if you dont have a phone, tell them in person. If you dont know who they are , i dont even know why you are here. jk

Saturday 26 May 2012

Bestie Rivals

Okay so probably you all have noticed Trina and Sabbontu don't sit together at lunch anymore and wonder(ed) why.....
Now imma tell you why.

Sabbontu and Trina got in a fight maybe 2 weeks ago? Because Trina dranked her pop thing and then lied about it, Sabbontu found out she did and got mad, at her, so they got in a fight.
They took this to twitter, and tweeted about it each other, and damn it was fun to read.
They talked bout how she is ugly, how you dated a guy way older then you, and other things...
You should read there tweets.
@iam_subtuu and @trinaasinclair


Anyways do you think they should ruin the bestie relationship, because of a drink...
So try to help them to be bestie again.

They both say they are not mad, but no one has the gutts to say sorry.
Trina told me to tell Sabbontu she said Hi, but they didn't believe me, and told me to shut up.
Lool well hope Sabbontu and Trina stay friends,

LONG LIVE Tribbontu, or Sabina?



Thursday 24 May 2012

Moving On & Loving Again

Ohkay, So , There was recently a new couple at Gulfstream! Most people knew they were going to end up together since they were such good friends and they hung out ALOT but some really never saw it coming. Since some of you still are confused about this.. YES, NICHOLAS KELLY AND MENSIMAH ARE DATING ALRIGHT? Lool But Im here to tell you the story of how they got together, cause honestly, they kept it a secret until the whole thing blew up ! :) 

Okay, so one day, I (Diana Dinh Dinh Tran) Asked Nicholas Kelly if he likes Mensimah and he happened to say yes. So he started to text Mensimah and tell his feelings for her and she felt the same way :) AWHHHEE moment Right?! Right. So Then, One day, Nick finally got the guts to ask  his love out and she said yes ! They didnt tell ANYONE about their relationship because they were afraid it would go on the blog ! So they only told their closest friends like Shaajah & Some other people. 

So two days into their relationship, some mixup happened. Nicholas was texting ____ some inappropriate stuff he isnt supposed to say to other girls while he is in a relationship. TIP ; dont be in a relationship if you're gonna act single ! :) ANYYWAAAYY,  ____ was a really trustworthy friend, so she went up to Menss and told her what honestly happened.

Menss was hurt , obviously and Nick was pretty sad too. Mens and Nick tried talking it out but things didnt work out so they just decided its better on to leave each other & break up.

Niether of them were happy about the break up. Menss was tearing up, Nick was in a bad mood for the rest of the day.. Its something you guys dont wanna see!

Well, afterschool, they both started texting me and I was like the ADVICE & RELATIONSHIP GETTER BACK TOGETHER Person. Nicholas was constantly texting me telling me to convince Menss to give him a second chance and Nick is my bro so I helped him! Menss is my sister too though, and I was pretty sad that she got hurt BUT she still liked Nick and she wanted to give him another chance too. 

Later that night, Menss told me that they are back together and that was like the happiest news I've heard :) They are really adorable thoough :)

May NICHOMENSS or MENICK last forever <3 !

Oh, By the way, today I saw Nick give Menss a peck on the cheek. SOOOO DAMN CUTE ! Well i hope you guys last, Love you both :) 

Diana <3 !

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Secret Love

Okay so its no secret  Naana and Nicholas have a thing for each other.
Even though the try to ...

But ehhh Nicholas is a flirty dude he has a thing with like EVERYONE!
Agreed? People called him desperate before...

But anyways back to this love story.....

Nicholas and Naana had a thing for a long time....Naana is the reason Nick broke up with Alicia from my understandings.....
Ever since then Nicholas and Naana been flirting big time!
Huggs like every 5 minutes....I'm serious.

When Naana found out Nick had a thing for her she was happy, but she rejected Nick after she left Nick waiting for her response for like a week.
But the wierd thing is Naana says she loves him.
Maybe she scared of him and her breaking up? Or all the tounge kiss' he'll be giving her.

Or her dad finding out there love story.
But even though Naana rejected him they still flirt and hug, wish even got the teacher's wondering if there dating.
When someone talks bout Nick bout Naana he smiles, when someone talks to Naana bout Nick she smiles.

Oh wanna know something?

Naana told me how she looks at his ass....ummm well she does that to all her guy bestie's...thats what she says...
Naana and Nick kissed! (Cheek) That's something one of my sources told me...
Well do you support this "secret" couple?


Sunday 6 May 2012

Spring Concert 2012

Spring Concert 2012 

Okay, this is a late post but excuse me, I was on a vacation away from the blog with Osuigwe. Anyway, so the Spring Concert from my perspective was.. pretty cool in some ways! Some performances were kind of useless to me (not trying to be rude or anything) but some were fun to watch like the hip-hop and Indian dances. 

Well, the only thing I basically like about Spring Concerts are the evening ones :) We get to come to school and do NO work and just chill. Our class.. (Mr. Brown's Class) The behind the scenes were more fun than the on-stage thing. 

This is my class playing musical chairs;

It was a pretty intense game. A lot of people got hurt, eh but what can you do? Kids have to be kids. (:

Another amazing performance was Mrs. Luchetta's and Mrs.Chase's class signing "Hold My Hand" They used glow in the dark gloves for their performance and it was really amazing to see. It was "Sick" as kids now a days would say it.

Well here are some pictures of Luchetta's and Chase's class getting ready to go perform for the amazing audience :)

From Left To Right;
Ana Wong, Kelly Tsao, Ramanpreet Pureywal and Zabryna
Stephan and Jack

When Love Takes Over

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