Monday 18 June 2012

Surprising Ending

Everyone knows that most things end, You never know when, but they do. Just like what happened a few days or weeks ago. Teegan and Thomas, probably the most peaceful and cutest couple at school... broke up. 

When I first heard this, I was surprised and I didn't believe it and I thought it was all a prank but apparently, they are really broken up.

After about 8 months of being together, Thomgan is no more , (they are disqualified from the Gulfstream couples awards) They were always together. They would always talk and they said they never ran out of things to say. After all those kisses and hugs and dances and time together, they just ended it. 

I don't know how the friendship road is going though, because we don't see them together anymore. They are returning each other's things by ALICIA. they can't even talk to each other or look at each other. See what relationships do? Hopefully they find their way and become friends.

BUUUT, The story behind this break up ? I heard that they broke up because they just didn't get feelings for each other anymore.. i also heard that they broke up because Thomas was being rude  but who knows which story is right? Comment on what you think happened .

-Diana (im tired so i am not focused on what i'm writing) :P