Wednesday 25 January 2012

Jessica Boutique.

Umm I never seen a guy wearing makeup. Aha you gotta re-think the word guy and look down and check if you are on. Just saying ;)
Oh nice colour of blush really brings out your nose, Not? Aha

Okay well lets get to the story:

You know how lots of people goof off when there is a supply? Well there was one!

So Jessica and I, where at the bathroom and Jessica decided to put on makeup and put some on me.
Aha so she thought of putting some on the guys since we had a supply and all. (Jessica Boutique)

So when we got back to Class she yelled "WHO EVER WANTS THERE MAKEUP DONE COME HERE!
So Jesse and Scott came and others came to watch.
Here's a pick of Scott waiting to get his makeup done.
So lets get back to the article....
As others came to watch, Jesse was pretty scared to get his blush put on, and eye shadow but he did it anyways.

As Jessica was about to put the guys eyeliner, and lipstick the supply
Teacher, stopped her. Putting Jessica Botique out of Business.


New Girl, means New things

Okay yesterday, we got a New Girl!
She looks like this --------------.>
Isn't she prudy?

Aha well lets get to the point.

GSTREAM NEWS (just in):

Yesterday we got a new girl.
As time went on we noticed she is VERY nice, and
smart, I say she like Cody from Suite life on deck.
She doesn't like germs, so she a very clean girl.

Aha she one of the most confident new people I met, usually I know as the new people to be very shy, but she wasn't she was all fun, and jokes alot, but not the jokes to get her in trouble.

Once you meet her and start talking to her you'll see how nice she is.
So next time you see her....Say Hi!
And make sure to give her a valentine cookie, to give her a warm welcome.
Oh yea she might be single boys ;)

Anyways if I knew her longer I think she would be a great friend, so say Hi, and make a new friend!


Valentine Cookie Gram!

Everyone knows Valentine's Day is Just Around The Corner! What A Better Way To Celebrate Valentine's Day Than With Yummy COOOKIIIESSS! (I Enjoy My Cookies.) Anyways Im Gonna Quote Natalie On Exactly what she said about This Event:

"Hey guys!

We all know that Valentine's Day is right round the corner (not really but still), so the Student Council will be hosting a VALENTINE'S DAY COOKIE GRAM!
You can purchase a cookie for only $2.00 each, write a message to go along with it, and send it to your friends and even that special someone.

All forms are due FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD. Forms will be handed out later Wednesday/Thursday via. your teachers.

Don't forget to buy your cookies and anonymously send them in the hordes to that special someone, to fatten them up until they're completely immobile due to their obesity so you can just stuff them right into your closet because you love them so. ♥ "
I really have no bright idea on how the cookies will look like, how big or small they are ... So if you have any questions, ask Natalie!(: and if you don't go to this school... Too Bad You Dont Get Any!! Go Get your own. Okay, so as Nat said, Buy TOONS of Cookies for your friends and your crush! (if you have one that is.) And Also, you Know That You Could Buy Cookies For Yourself? A Gift From yourself , to yourself(: I gave you an idea. That Will Come in Handy. Anyways Hope you guys buy dem DELICIOUS COOKIES ! ONOMNOMNOMNOM! And Yaa, gooble them up like the Cookie Monsteer!<3 Anyways, Toodle Doo!<3




Tiana Le, Former
At The 2012 VietFest
VietFest 2012!
Linda and Eric
At The Fest.
Okay, So Every Year, there is a VietFest for Chinese New Year. Even Though It Is "Chinese" New Year, Alot Of People Other Than The Chinese Celebrate It!(: I've Seen Plenty Of People From Our School There Like ; Former Gstreamer, Tiana Le. Linda Lam in Grade 7, Eric Huynh in Grade 7 as Well and Andy Le! They Gave Out Alot Of Free Stuff (Im Asian and Cheap So I Love Free Stuff!) Anyways, There Were Boncy Castles, Bouncy Slides and So Much More :D There were a lot of people performing there. There were Amazing Dancers and Singers. There were food Like Hot Dogs, Cotton Candy, and so much more. You Jelly? Lol, Just Kidding. It Was The Best Way To Celebrate Chinese New Year, I Know Im Late But Happy New Year !(: LOOL!

Saturday 21 January 2012


Kay, so , you know how there are PLENTY of great and phenomenal dance crews ALL AROUND THE WORLD? Well, i happen to know one amazing dance crew from Toronto! In my opinon, they are one of the best young dancers!<33 So First of all, I want to say , you guys should check out their facebook page and like it for videos ! We$tSid3Movement

So Now, I would like to introduce the amazing dancers in WestSideMovement!

Isaiah aka ARMZ;
kay, so if you're from Gstream, you all know Isaiah! he is really popular, and also, He is really tough and strong! Thats how he got his nickname I'm guessing?;) Other from all the fighting, he is a totally GREAT dancer! Alot of people said that he is the next Chris Brown!(: I Dont see how he is not famous yet! That is why we need your help to view their videos(: Here is a video of isaiah dancing , check it out, I bet you'll Be amazed!(:
ME doing ME; Isaiah

Isaac AKA Izzy/Sleepy.
Okay, Izzy doesnt go to Gulfstream, but he is a really kind person. He will be there for you whenever you need help! He helped me out a lot, and ladies, i think he's single;) AHA! Anyways, he is a great dancer! He is funny , seriously , he cracks me up, but NEVER mess with izzy! You dont know where you're heading with that! LMFAO!

Siniece AKA Skittlez;
Siniece Graham doesnt go to Gstream either, but why does it mater! LMFAO! She is a cute girl! seriously her hair is puffy, which makes it awesome and atm i know im being random! LMFAO! Well she is a Belieber, She is a mindless behavior fan, and also an ICONiac!<33 I Never really saw her dancing to be honest, but she is an amazing singer!(:

Alexis aka GREEZY;
Alexis, Alexis , Alexis(: She doesnt go to gulfstream either, but lets be real, y'all wanna know her!(: She is really pretty, and she has swag (along with the other members!) First time i met her, she was really nice! She still is really nice!(: Uhm, She is hilarious and she is always there for her friends! I never saw her dancing, but if she is in WestSideMovement, i BET YOU, she is an AMAZING DANCER TOO!<33

Okay, so you guys know a bit about WestSideMovement, but if you want to know more and SEE more, go like their page NOW!(:

Friday 20 January 2012

Andy Saves Kids From Getting Hurt!

Today after school, two kids were getting bullied by Ginye aka "Bear" No one really knew why he decided to pick on these little kids. Maybe it was just a joke? Or maybe he just did it for fun. Who knows why he did it! Well , ginye was about to hurt these innocent kids, no one wanted to help save them! The people who saw only stood and stared! But luckily, Andy Le came to the rescue and helped these little kids. Honestly, i haven't talked to Andy a lot, but since he helped those little kids out, I think he is a really nice person . While everyone was busy staring he actually DID something to help !
So , props to Andy!(:

Smexx Contest.

It's Friday! Time to sleep in and time for me announce the winner!
Okay I know you guys been waiting for this but lemme talk about the compition first.

So I decided to make a compition naming who the Better/Cutiest Couple in school.
So who ever who would win the compition will be named "The Smexx Couple"
This Compition started on Wednesday, and sadly it end right now!
We got over 100 votes in this compition!

So yesterday around 11pm, I checked the votes....and it was a tie!
I was shocked/scared at the same time because I really needed a winner.
So I went on my cell looking for someone to do the TIE-BREAKER.
And that was Siniece, making the score 50-51

So now do you want to know who the winner is?

There are other tittles to give out:
Smexx Couple Winner: Shaajah and Nicholas
Mixed Couple Winner: Shaajah and Nicholas
Grade 7 Couple Winner: Diana and Jessed
Grade 8 Couple Winner: Teegan and Thomas

So give these people a-round of appluase!


Will This Competition Ruin Their Friendship?

Jesse Danso, Diana Tran, Shaajah Casanova and Nicholas Kelly.

Almost everyone at school knows that DESSE and SHAALOAS have been running the competition for the hottest couple at school. They got many votes on the past few days and SHAALOAS really made a comeback. Last night, there was a tie breaker, her name is Siniece Graham.

Everyone is wondering who is gonna win the competition. Everyone is anxious to know ! Question is, Will the competition break their friendship!? Ofcourse it wouldn't ruin their relationship, but their friendship with each other might change. Do you think so?

Chances are that they won't even care.  The boys take no interest in this competition but the girls were trying to get themseleves alot of votes. We'll see what happens. Come To this blog , afterschool, and we will show you the results of the competition!(: Good luck DESSE and SHAALOAS.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Science Class...With a Little Twist?

Kay, so, at the end of the day, we had Ms. Kaura for science, but science class was different this time. There was someone sitting at our table, it was Iain in grade 8. He had to stay in to finish a test, so we just ignored him at first. but , if you know Nicole, Eemaan and I, we always want to make new friends. Soooo, we decided to compliment Iain on his art work. At first, he thought we were normal and then.. BAM! we turned into our weird selfs!(: aha! Well, Eemaan has always been the weirdest of the bunch, so she decided to move closer to Iain, and asking him if he wants a drink from her water bottle, making teddy bears do nasty things to each other!! It seems like she was flirting with Iain, OHLALA! but she said she didnt, so you didnt miss out on anything(:LOOL, so thats when Iain got creeped out by us and stormed off somewhere else, but Ms Kaura didnt want Iain to move to another seat because she assigned him to sit there. She told him to go back and sit at his seat, and Eemaan said "yeah Iain, come here! im not gonna do anything to you!" and he said "I dont want to sit there..those people are... weird!" Well, gee, you've just noticed?(: aha , good luck seeing us next time iain!

Fame, Game

It seems like we got some talented people in school....

Jamilah sings, Brittney got the raps, and Shirin got the beats?
   If I was ever going to rate there performance it would be a....4 star, because they all got a great voice! Shirin has a awesome one but she to shy to sing in the performance.
Brittney Dances, and raps!? And Jamilah's voice is..."Brezzy?"
Lol well they will be performing there song in our NEXT Assembly.

If you Justin Bieber, Scotter Braun or someone like that reading should get them signed or someone elese will!                  

Well we got a sneak peak of them performing, so give it up for..... Jamilah Reeves, Brittney English, and Shirin Fisher!

But Guess what!
They want me to join there group! (Nicole)
Lol not sure if I should...I'll just ruin it but aha get ready for Em'            


Love Is Here!

New couples are awesome isn't it?

Okay, well this new couples are such Cuties!
They are running for the tittle Smexx Couple! (Hottest Couple in School).
Would you vote for them?
Aha here's the story:

They were at the centre, when one of Shaajah's friend's dared Shaajah to kiss Nick.
So they did, but they ended up kissing 4 times! Shaajah's  friend asked are you guys official?
And the two love birds just looked at each other and smiled. So Shaajah's friend just said "Lemme make this official" by saying, Do you take shaajah to be your boyfriend end stuff..
Well lol yup these to Love birds..if you wanna vote for them for the Smexx Couple Email:


Tuesday 17 January 2012

Break Ups, Make Ups.

Doesn't Break Up Sucks? Well this one is a little confusing...

Aww so sad that they are broken up! :(
At Lunch, one break up happened.
Accordingly Alex, and Jesse told Scott that Alicia, doesn't have a lot of feeling for Scott any more.
So at lunch Scott Started talking to Alicia, about that.
No one really knows who broke up with who.
Scott says he broke up with her, Alicia says she broke up with him, and one of Alicia friend said "That Scott's friends broke up with her for him"
Who do you think Broke up with who?!

Well before as you see in the picture, they were such a cute couple! They were running for the Smexx Couple! (Hottest Couple In School)
But now...I guess they can't compete! :(

You should of been there.
Oh yea this was a dare relationship, so are they happy or sad about there break up?


About Us; Nicole Osuigwe and Diana Tran

Nicole Osuigwe;
kaay, so nicole is one of the most awesome people i know at this school. She has only been at this school for a while, but we're already bffs! She is really fun to be with and to talk to , shes a really nice friend. Shes always there for her friends when they need her! She is very pretty , although she doesnt want to admit it!(: she makes my day by sending me stupid msgs , and being herself! (: Nicole is also very talented. She is very flexible, she sings great and dances good too!(: She is also very skinny!! She eats alot but never gets fat! aha, gotta love Nicole! Her nicknames are: Nicki, Chicken Legs, Cupid, Lil'Suigwe, etc.

Diana Tran:
Kay, so Im Diana, lol. Im really weird and random!(: Hehe. Im a lazy person! I dont do much, all i do is stay on the computer ! AHA! At school, i start drama, cause sometimes it is real funny, that is why me and nicole are TeamDrama! Um, i love food. eating is awesome. Food is good. LMFAO. So, im asian, but most people think that im white? Haa, i dont see it. Anyways, i always have backup plans for anything! and i love my boyfriend Jesse! aha, my friends are Nicole, Jamilah, Eemaan, Scott, Kelly, Ramanpreet, All them. LMFAO! and um, i cant say much about myself, lets just say im like every other normal person(: My nicknames are: didi, Ducky momo, DieDie, Deena, Whitey, LOOL Etc.