Tuesday 17 January 2012

About Us; Nicole Osuigwe and Diana Tran

Nicole Osuigwe;
kaay, so nicole is one of the most awesome people i know at this school. She has only been at this school for a while, but we're already bffs! She is really fun to be with and to talk to , shes a really nice friend. Shes always there for her friends when they need her! She is very pretty , although she doesnt want to admit it!(: she makes my day by sending me stupid msgs , and being herself! (: Nicole is also very talented. She is very flexible, she sings great and dances good too!(: She is also very skinny!! She eats alot but never gets fat! aha, gotta love Nicole! Her nicknames are: Nicki, Chicken Legs, Cupid, Lil'Suigwe, etc.

Diana Tran:
Kay, so Im Diana, lol. Im really weird and random!(: Hehe. Im a lazy person! I dont do much, all i do is stay on the computer ! AHA! At school, i start drama, cause sometimes it is real funny, that is why me and nicole are TeamDrama! Um, i love food. eating is awesome. Food is good. LMFAO. So, im asian, but most people think that im white? Haa, i dont see it. Anyways, i always have backup plans for anything! and i love my boyfriend Jesse! aha, my friends are Nicole, Jamilah, Eemaan, Scott, Kelly, Ramanpreet, All them. LMFAO! and um, i cant say much about myself, lets just say im like every other normal person(: My nicknames are: didi, Ducky momo, DieDie, Deena, Whitey, LOOL Etc.

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