Friday 20 January 2012

Smexx Contest.

It's Friday! Time to sleep in and time for me announce the winner!
Okay I know you guys been waiting for this but lemme talk about the compition first.

So I decided to make a compition naming who the Better/Cutiest Couple in school.
So who ever who would win the compition will be named "The Smexx Couple"
This Compition started on Wednesday, and sadly it end right now!
We got over 100 votes in this compition!

So yesterday around 11pm, I checked the votes....and it was a tie!
I was shocked/scared at the same time because I really needed a winner.
So I went on my cell looking for someone to do the TIE-BREAKER.
And that was Siniece, making the score 50-51

So now do you want to know who the winner is?

There are other tittles to give out:
Smexx Couple Winner: Shaajah and Nicholas
Mixed Couple Winner: Shaajah and Nicholas
Grade 7 Couple Winner: Diana and Jessed
Grade 8 Couple Winner: Teegan and Thomas

So give these people a-round of appluase!


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