Friday 30 March 2012


Jamilah has finally replied to Jinye aka. Bear Rquest
Ready to know what she said, well wait a lil longer, lets first talk bout the votes;

Most people said Jamilah should say yes, but said "I wouldn't say yes if I was Jamilah", so you want her to date a "YUCK?" lool.
Well one person voted that they'll say yes if they were Jamilah.....who is this BEAR lover?
Could it been bear himself, or some girl or even a dude?! Well what ever it is.

Now what Jamilah said....

Jamilah was confused what to say, she said Yes the first time (if someone payed her) and then she said no, then she got confused what she would reply....and finally she went up to Jinye and said "NO"
She told me "Nicole Osuigwe" that, He gross and he gonna be another Angelo....always on me.

Well thats your update....but I bet this wont be the last of Jamilah, and Bear....maybe later they will be in love! <3


Thursday 29 March 2012

Hating On A Little Kid

Nolan, cute , but evil.
Okay, so yesterday , (MARCH 28th 2012) I've seen this kid climbing the fence on the baseball diamond.. And he actually made it all the way to the top! Jamilah, Zainab, Kelly, Garcia,Jesse , Brittney and I were scared that he was going to drop and break his head, so we told him to get down and he said, "NO, SHUT UP" So that got on our grill.

Then when he finally decided to come down, he didn't climb down. The kid thought he was superman and he JUMPED down. He landed on my little cousin, Andy, and Andy dropped on the ground and started crying. Brittney carried him to the teacher so thanks Britt ! She is pretty strong cause Andy is a very HEAVY kid.

Anyways, so Nolan ran away because he knew he was going to get in trouble. So Zainab , Kelly, Garcia , Jesse , Brittney and I decided to go talk to him. Then the kid had the nerve to kick Zainab and start a fight with her. He started throwing rocks at Zainab and accidently, he hit Brittney. SOOOOO, He did something bad and he ran away ...again. And Brittney ran and caught him, She didn't hurt him although she wanted to.

After, an army of little kids came out of nowhere and decided to attack Nolan. Tyson's brother, Cooper (I THINK) started fighting with Nolan but i stopped the fight, and then Nolan ran away.. AGAIN. This kid has so much energy.

Then I got tired chasing after a little kid for no reason, so I just stopped but then Jesse decided to go give this kid a talk! Then sadly the bell rang but that didn't stop Nolan.. He decided to RUN AWAY .. AGGGGGAAAIIIIINNNNNNNN.

So then a bunch of people started chasing him and teachers went after him. Apparently he bite a few people and hurt them....

But things are back to normal now, so , now if you see Nolan, don't be mean to him, he is a little kid...EVEN THOUGH I THINK HE DESERVES IT, i think that people chasing after him all in one day is ENOUGH :P
Diana <3

African Princess Is BACK! :)

So as many of you know, Mensimah left to Ghana before march break but she came back YESTERDAY ! (March 28th 2012) Her besties are happy , her crew is happy, and HER BOYFRIEND Is happy ;)

So , Mensimah is like one of the most popular girls at this school which means, a lot of people know her and love her :) So when she came back today, she got a lot of hugs :) and she was suppose to get a KISS too but apparently SOMEONE was to scared to kiss her! But doesn't matter cause I bet I would miss it anyways!

okay, so if you guys know mensimah, she is all about FUNNN :D So when she first came back today, I've seen her playing football (I THINK?) With a bunch of people and I only got to talk to her once today :/

OVERALL, Mensimah said she felt loved today. well mensimah YOU ARE LOVED :D so welcome back ;)

But now, Menzz has a lot of catching up to do :$ so that part sucks but at least she is back ! So if you didn't know she was back, YOU ARE LATE but also give her a hug and say Welcome back ;) HEHEHE :D
Diana <3

Pregnant Girl In Middle School?

The title probably startled you already. So lets get to the point.

Rumors spread around Gulfstream very FAST and Sometimes, some people decide to believe those rumors!

There was a rumor that Christie in grade 8 was pregnant ... WITH TWINS. Yeah , that's not really believeable right? But then people started listing some reasons why they think that Christie is pregnant.

  1. They thought she was pregnant because she was away from school for 2 weeks or something like that.
  2. They thought that her boyfriend, Lawshawn aka FROGGER got her pregnant
  3. They said that her stomach got bigger ever since she came back to school..
Would you believe that? Because for some reason, some people did. Other people who didn't know the rumor, started to wonder what it was, they came to me and asked but I didn't tell them it because I thought that if it isn't offical , no one should know about it. But then , I told this one person, cause I trust him :P Yeahh, I told my boyfriend Jesse LOL. He thought it was stupid and he promised he won't tell anyone.Then , at the girl's volleyball game, Jesse decided to ask Christie if it was true. I was there and this is what she said , " NO, That's not true, that's just Makayla being a _ _ _ _ _."

So now I guess you guys know who started this rumor and lets clear this up ....


Kissing Failure?

Okay, so many couples at Gulfstream had kissed before. BUT SOMETIMES, I JUST MISS IT, And I bet you guys do too, but don't worry! I could keep you posted about all the Lip action I hear about :P

OKAAAAAAY, So A few days ago, my sources (Vanitha and Alicia) Told me that Teegan attempted to kiss Thomas but he decided to open his mouth to TALK. Really Thomas? That is some good timing, less talking more SMOOCHING! Lol just kidding but Teegan's mouth went directly right into Thomas's mouth. I got kind of frustrated when I heard that cause I missed it , like I always do !!!!

Not much people know about this kiss, but now all of you know , SORRY THOMGAN, People can't be late on their news(;

Don't you guys think that it would be awkward after a kiss like that? Well Thomas and Teegan didn't care, just continued talking and flriting in the lunch room (; Don't you guys just think that they are SOOO CUTE :) And remember Thomas, next time if you wanna get kissed, you should talk less LOL :)


Wednesday 28 March 2012



Okay so there has been rumours that Makayla has been smoking weed, and we you all know weed is illegal.
Anyways the person who told me this, recently got into a fight with makayla so possiblikty this is a rumour.
Well, when I asked Makayla if she did she got so upset, she looked like she was ready to punch someone.

Smoking can cause Lung Cancer, espicially weed so if your doing it....

Smoking shit, and all that is not cool so stop lool.

And if Makayla is dont hate on her, she like everyone eles and wants to fit in.


Its A Secret; Shh and Read To Find Out

Okay Okay Okay,
There should be more love coming in.

Jinye (sorry if mist-spelt), AKA. BEAR

Told me to ask a special girl out for him.
I thought it would be awesome doing this Blog style, and to the public. Lool
Sorry if your girl says NOO!

Lool where here it is.
Dear Jamilah
Bear has asked me to ask you out for him
Do you wish to accept? And love each other?

Ill Keeep you posted on the answer!!!

Vanitha's Boy Toys

Ok so Vanitha is a flirt? Lool people say she quiet but maybe thats her game Lool.

Vanitha and Isiah were like a power couple, but unfourtiantley they broke up.
Isiah said he broke up with her because his mom found out...OOPS THAT WAS A LIE ISIAAH MADE!
Lool the real reason Isiah broke up with her is because he didnt want to hurt her, well Isiah you did hurt her by breaking up with her :(
Well ON THE GOOD Side Isiah and Vanitha are back together.

Witness spotted them on the wall together :D

Anyways lets re-wind right after Isiah and Vanitha broke up, Vanitha started dating a guy named "Jordan" Vanitha told me she never met him though, and he just randomly added her lool.
And also that Jordan is 16 years old.
They were supposed to meet but before that Jordan and her broke up.

Lool well Keep your mind off Jordan and Vanitha and LOVE Vanitha and Isiah


Shake your Botty; Its Your Birthday

Hello my fellow students...
This is chief Nicole Osuigwe aka. Kitty reporting to you, lool.

Well one of the most "popular" girls at school birthday is in 8 days!!

Okay, umm now your probs know her but if you dont who cares give her a present or just say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU,
Lool well she having a birthday party/jam so if your not invited BOO, and make yourself invited.

Buy her a gift and stuff lool.

Its so sad when your lil girl grows up :( She 12, she finally a pre-teen soon she will lose her....... LOL JK
Anyways just wish her a happy birthday


Are you Famous?

Ok well I knewn bout this for a while but got to lazy to write it but GUESS WHAT?!
I'm not lazy now lool.

Well Isiah said he got discovered by Pink Dollar Entairtainment, well not Just Isiah but him and his group.
I asked him if he going to be moving to America, he said "Maybe"
Then I asked how he got discovered.
He said "Im related to those people" or something like that

Lool but lots of people dont believe this, and I'm one of those people.
Like everyone says You need to see it to believe it.

But when I asked Zabryna (reportedly a member of the group) about this, she declined it.

What do you believe?

P.S  We will get a video of the group performing so if your a big celeb looking for some talent....STAY TUNED!


Jabryna/Zack On and Off

Well even though I didnt go to school today, I still know my things from my sources Lool.

Anyways Zabryna and Jack broke up today, reportedly Jack was mad at Zabryna so boom BREAK UP.
But love came through and they got back together

Lucky thinks Zabryna will make a good couple with Allessondro (sorry if name spelt wrong)
What do you think?
Will Jack get Jelly?


Thursday 8 March 2012

Argos Huddle Up and Minister Broten visit Gulfstream PS

I know That Im Late On This Post, But Give Me Some Slack Because I Needed Pictures.
If you want to know where these pictures are from, The Toronto District School Board Fan Page On Facebook! But if you are just too lazy, Here is the link ; Gulfstream PS , Agros Huddle Up Pictures .

Anyways, the Staff of The anti bullying agros committee, Came to Gulfstream to talk about, Well, Bullying of course! Gulfstream is really familiar with this because they come like, EVERY YEAR ! No Lie Even. But This time , it was different because we got to be on TV! (I still never saw us on tv for some reason?) & Also, they took pictures and Minister Broten Was there. 

There were performances about bullying and although i couldn't hear them that well, I'm pretty sure that they sent a message because Matt Black and Jason Colero Claimed to like them.

Lucky, Junior , Andy and Justin did a skit on the consequences of Bullying as you get older, and It was funny to me. I would've posted the picture on here but i didnt get permission So , yeah. They also taught MOST of us not to underestimate people because they might not look that tough , but one day they might be on a higher level than you.

  <---Here Is Stephanie, Jaspreet and Sarah MC-ing For The 
Presentation or Show? :) They Did A Good Job(:

Okay, so this picture over here, to your right , Is Jason Colero ! He was the one who created this program, and he was the one who always came to our school to tell us about his bullying stories. Yes he has been bullied too, & he seemed to be really hurt by it.  This is him telling kids about how people in highschool said he was too short & how he cant make the football team. How they harass him everyday and put his clothes in the running shower. Also, when they made him sing O Canada in the lunch room. He might be doing the same thing again in 2020, so if you are from the future and reading this, sorry for spoiling it for you!(:

This is Matt Black! Okay so he came to Gulfstream for the first time and he talked about how he got this scholarship to this university in USA, and he had to leave his friend back here in Canada. His friend then started hanging out with Drug Dealers and then He got influenced to do it. He actually got arrested. Poor Him.  ; Lesson is to not be druggies. LOOL jk not to hangout with the wrong type of people, but also dont be druggies.

So thank you guys for coming to our school and teaching us Bullying since bullying at our school happens here and there. These are pictures of people from our school & the staff of huddle up program. If you want to see more pictures, click the link in the first paragraph! JUST SAYING, there are only like 10 pictures or something.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Groove Thang Reminder

Just as a reminder the dance is tomorrow. bring you cool outfit and get ready to shake it on the dance floor.
We are going to try to get a 50's night dance, so get your boogy on!

Okay well, I promise we will get a picture and a story of a slow dance moment!
Lets make this dance the best...try to get a karoke thing going on? Lool who knows well this is just a reminder...
But here is some news

Sadly Menismah left to visit if she in your class do this: THROUGH HER A PARTY (SUSPRISE) AND INVITE NICOLE, AND DIANA

Okay well get ready for tomorrow and dance your groove thing
No wining, No Bubbles :)


Monday 5 March 2012

Big Bad Wolf, wait...It's Brittney?

Ok we got a new bully in the house!!! Omg just kidding but in a way.

Okay so, Brittney made 1 girl cry, and another girl almost cry..on the same day...hmm those girls are Makayla in grade 8 (almost cried) and Mara in grade 4!!

This is what practically at the begging at last recess, Makayla was following us, and Eemaan hates her, so she told Brittney to tell Makayla to go away...and Brittney did no sweat, but Makayla got freaked out a little but she ended up leaving and hanging out with little kids...I feel sorry for her. :(

Now wanna know how she made Mara Cry? Well Mara was following me, because I'm her only friend.
So I got annoyed of her following me, so I told Brittney to tell her to leave, but since Mara's a little girl she got sad. After I cheered her up, and she became a lil happy...but since I was still annoyed that she follows me, I got Mara to go hang out with Jamilah, (Jamilah doesn't like her) When Jamilah figured out I sent, Mara to her she chased me....and gave Mara back to I ended up with her again...lool but at the end of recess Eemaan yelled at her, causing her to cry really hard.
Making me and Diana go talk to her and try to make her friends...since Mara told us that she doesn't have any.....

Well this Mara story is a lil if you wanna know more Talk to me or diana.
And be a good person and talk to Mara, she really needs it before she goes through depression and gets low self-esteem.


Jabryna Zack Goes Lovey Dovey

Okay so, a couple days ago Zabryna and Jack started dating!
It was love at first sight....well love after cupid put some magic on them.
So a couple days ago, I the love maker (cupid) decided to hookm p a new couple, and I thought Zabryna and Jack will be prefect together!
People told me Jack will never say yes, they wouldn't look cute together..but who cares love is a blind eye.

Anyways as you see there very shy like all new couples, we had to chase Jack down just to take this picture, but Zabryna was all down to take a picture with him...after all he is her man? Lool

Well as you see in the picture they give each other joy so I hope they stay together for a long time....they might even win the Smexx Couple Contest when we re-new it.

In this picture was at lunch....hmm did they eat there lunch together? Maybe they shared each other's food....well who knows lool.

Well they finally decided to sit together, and before it was time to go upstairs they hugged!
Showing affection. Well this couple is....smexxy? Lmfao well give them lots of love.

Try to break em up? You'll see what happens


Love Starts Young ♥

Here is Kevontae and Mensimah , two kids who like each other. They used to be best friends but now they are officially a couple  ♥ I find it so cute because they look so good together and also they sit beside each other in class :') and that is how love starts, lolol :D

so Kevontae was really shy and he wasn't sure if he should ask Mensimah! it took alot of convincing to get him to finally ask out mensimah.

"If we ever break up, i still want to be your friend."
Those Are the exact words that came out of Mensimah's mouth when Kevontae asked her out. And the people there to witness it thought they are really cute ! I ended up screaming when Mensimah said that :) I support them! :D Goo Mevontae or Kevsimah ! :D but sadly menz is going to Ghana for vacation and I bet you that Kevontae is going to cry so much. But Anyways they are gonna be lovey dovey when she comes back :D ♥ I just wanted to say, i hope you guys last long and you guys are happy together :) ♥

-Diana ♥

Friday 2 March 2012

Grade Sevens Finally Speak Up?

Everyone Claims that Fridays is the best day of the week because after Friday is the weekend ! But , This Friday is full of drama! Best Friends Fighting, People Being Bullied, You Never Know Whats Gonna Happen To You! So One Of The Things That Happened Today Was That , Makayla Decided To Come Sit At The Grade Seven Table. She Always Used To Sit There But Now.. People Decided To Say Something. Jamilah and Brittney Decided To Say Something About It.

Brittney: Makayla , Why Are You Here? No One Wants You Here.
Jamilah: I Don't Know Why You Are Here Makayla! Mr Brown Told No One From A Different Class To Come Sit At This Table So Leave Now! And Why You Eating Those Fat Cakes? It Aint Gonna Give You Energy.

They are not trying to be mean, its just that we always get in trouble for stuff we don't do (Like Garbage Under our lunch table, most of it isn't even ours) So After All That Talk, Makayla Left , Pissed. I Felt Bad For Her But I Guess Thats Just How Things Is.

Asian Twins? 
So, Most Of You Probably Know Alicia Nguyen In Grade 8, Ms Kaura's Class & Kelly Tsao ,Grade 6 and In Ms Chase's Class. They Kinda Look Like Sisters In A Way! And Guess What? ......... They Were Born On The Same Day ! (but not year) March 5th ! :) So You Guys, Remember To Say Happy Birthday To Them On That Day When You See Them! And Maybe, Get Them Gifts? :) 

Well, Kelly and Alicia Kind Of Look Alike In A Way. They Both Have Blonde High Lights In Their Hair! They Are Both Skinny :) They Are Both Asian :) AND They Are both Pretty :D Yeah , So Pretty Much, They Are Like The New Twins Of the School ;) Well, Let Me Just Say.. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY GUYS ! 

Happy Birthday To You.
Happy Birthday To You.
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday To You.

Happy Birthday To You.
You Live In A Zoo!
You Look Like A Monkey
and You Smell Like One Too ! :D

I'm Just Kidding About The Second One, But Remember On Monday, Have A Great Birthday With Your Family and Friends :)♥


Thursday 1 March 2012

Passion for Fashion (African Style)

Okay so lemme say it loud and proud with a song.

Its black history month o o
We gonna do it right yeaaa
Black history month
We gather up for a fashion show

Lool sing it!
Well a couple days ago we had our school fashion show for black history month, yes you already know all about it, so no need for me to write...but lemme show you behind the scene pictures :D

Here is a picture of Isiah,(sorry if I misspelled name)Lucky, and Thomy getting there grove on before show starts, *cough*cant dance*cough*

Okay model report:
The guys are wearing dress' new fasion trend.
BTW, look at this picture very carefully :)        

Okay, so here are the pretty lady's lool well btw its not easy getting into africian dress' lots of work.
Girls complianed that they could bearly walk upstairs.
But they went through the pain and danced in the fashion show embracing there wierdness.
Anyways if you want a africian dress....dont ask me I dont know where to get em.

Well I say this fashion show was better then the rest, even though it wasn't that put together but it was fun.

Oh forgot to ask how was your valentines? Lool bye


Starting March Off With A Dance(:

Ayye, another dance we are going to have at GPS ! Are you guys ready to dance the day away? :) I Know I am :) So, the other day , we had an assembly to inform us about the Dance-A-Thon we are having on March 7th (so the dance is coming up pretty soon) It is going to be glow in the dark theme, so if you wanna , so called, 'glow in the dark' you should wear white. Of Course for the food lovers like me, There will be some food ! CHIPS are for one dollar, POP is for one dollar also, and JUICE for those of you who rather have juice than pop, is 50 cents. Healthy People get to pay less eh!? Apparently, dances come with a catch. You guys have to funraise some money, atleast 10 or 5 dollars! The Reason Being Is last time we had a dance-a-thon and our school didn't raise enough money so they had to postpone the dance and I'm pretty sure you guys don't want that to happen this time, SO RAISE MONEY EVERYONE. I Will Too ,So Don't Worry. If You are wondering where we are having the dance, of course we are having it in our small gym. Not all of us are going to be in there at once, so no worries :) About the song requests.. you will get a song request sheet like you always do, you guys are aware of the process. OR you can go online to request your favorite songs for the dance. The website is on the pledge-a-lope sheet !! So GO REQUEST SOME GOOD SONGS PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY LIKE. lol :)

Make Sure At The Dance, Everyone Is Having Fun and Dancing! People complain that dances aren't fun but really, you are suppose to make it fun so dance ! There is no use of you being there , complaining when you could be having a good time. :D


Comeback Volleyball(ship)

Okay, so a couple days ago the girls volleyball team had a tournament...they play 2 games. (short tournament eh?)
Well the first game they played they won! They only played two sets, but on the second set, the other school was trying to make a comeback, but gulfstream showed those b*tches lool just kidding, but showed those girls what they were made of, and won that game.

There next and last game was against a school that had beat(ed) gulfstream in the past, sadly.
The other school one the first set, getting ready for the second set, one of the coaches did a speech and I guess that got everyone on there game cause gulfstream won the second set!
but, sadly gulfstream lost the final set.

Even though gulfstream lost, they played good!

Get ready for next year girls.


Gulfstream Love ♥

Awwhe, Love Fills The Air At Gulfstream Public School. During Lunch Time, 3 Couples Were Spotted Together ! :) Vanitha and Isaiah , Nicholas and Alicia and Thomas and Teegan (The Photographer Didnt Get Teegan In The Picture) The Dating Population At Gulfstream Has Been Rising ! These Very Cute Couples Were Spotted Smiling, Giggling, Laughing, Hugging and Talking With Each Other :)

But That Isn't The Only Things They Have Been Doing Together ! They Also Kissed Each Other (Forced By Lucky and His Friends) But Hey, It Doesn't matter To The Rest Of Us Because We Want To See Some Lip Action Going On If You Know What I Mean !(: LOOOL JKJK.

If you Didnt Know They Were Dating and Now You Are Sitting Here Reading This With Your Jaw Open.. CONGRATS CAUSE NOW YOU KNOW! Thomas and Teegan Were Long Time Soul Mates :) You All Probably Knew That. BUT, The Other Two Couple just started Dating sometime in February, The Month Of Love :) ♥ Who Knows? Maybe In The Next 10 Years Or So, You Will Get Invited To Their Wedding! :D Anyways Don't Worry, We Will Keep You Updated On Their Latest Stories, :) So Make Sure To Check The Blog Time To Time :)

-Diana ♥