Thursday 1 March 2012

Starting March Off With A Dance(:

Ayye, another dance we are going to have at GPS ! Are you guys ready to dance the day away? :) I Know I am :) So, the other day , we had an assembly to inform us about the Dance-A-Thon we are having on March 7th (so the dance is coming up pretty soon) It is going to be glow in the dark theme, so if you wanna , so called, 'glow in the dark' you should wear white. Of Course for the food lovers like me, There will be some food ! CHIPS are for one dollar, POP is for one dollar also, and JUICE for those of you who rather have juice than pop, is 50 cents. Healthy People get to pay less eh!? Apparently, dances come with a catch. You guys have to funraise some money, atleast 10 or 5 dollars! The Reason Being Is last time we had a dance-a-thon and our school didn't raise enough money so they had to postpone the dance and I'm pretty sure you guys don't want that to happen this time, SO RAISE MONEY EVERYONE. I Will Too ,So Don't Worry. If You are wondering where we are having the dance, of course we are having it in our small gym. Not all of us are going to be in there at once, so no worries :) About the song requests.. you will get a song request sheet like you always do, you guys are aware of the process. OR you can go online to request your favorite songs for the dance. The website is on the pledge-a-lope sheet !! So GO REQUEST SOME GOOD SONGS PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY LIKE. lol :)

Make Sure At The Dance, Everyone Is Having Fun and Dancing! People complain that dances aren't fun but really, you are suppose to make it fun so dance ! There is no use of you being there , complaining when you could be having a good time. :D


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