Friday 2 March 2012

Grade Sevens Finally Speak Up?

Everyone Claims that Fridays is the best day of the week because after Friday is the weekend ! But , This Friday is full of drama! Best Friends Fighting, People Being Bullied, You Never Know Whats Gonna Happen To You! So One Of The Things That Happened Today Was That , Makayla Decided To Come Sit At The Grade Seven Table. She Always Used To Sit There But Now.. People Decided To Say Something. Jamilah and Brittney Decided To Say Something About It.

Brittney: Makayla , Why Are You Here? No One Wants You Here.
Jamilah: I Don't Know Why You Are Here Makayla! Mr Brown Told No One From A Different Class To Come Sit At This Table So Leave Now! And Why You Eating Those Fat Cakes? It Aint Gonna Give You Energy.

They are not trying to be mean, its just that we always get in trouble for stuff we don't do (Like Garbage Under our lunch table, most of it isn't even ours) So After All That Talk, Makayla Left , Pissed. I Felt Bad For Her But I Guess Thats Just How Things Is.


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